Monday, January 17, 2011

marking time...

It is so hard to mark the passage of time when the rules have all changed.  Living in another hemisphere is really putting my sense of time and space to the test.  I was thinking spring summer instead of Christmas... so hard to figure out what month it is because to me in feels like July - we are going to the beach the kids are home for "summer break" and we go to the local pool - we buy ice cream and iced lattes and barbque... but I'm also trying to buy the kids "back to school" items and get them sorted for school... oh yes I just typed "sorted" - in the states I would have said "situated"  
Without the flow of the calendar making sense to me, I just feel a bit out of touch and lost.  Lost is such a familiar feeling for me these days - lost in both space and time.  I'm wondering when I'll wake up and realize what time of year it is and for it to make sense?  I've been here 6 months and have skipped so many markers of time -4th of july- summer (we skipped it arriving in july) - fall going to pumpkin patch with friends - warm drinks - halloween -trick or treating - thanksgiving - christmas lights and decorations ( there were so few here that they almost didnt register as real decorations) and even though we had a wetter and colder than normal December for Australia -it still did not have that crisp feel with the bells ringing in all the shops and Santa on every corner.  Missing what I know will get better over time I'm sure - especially when I figure out the flow of seasons here - so next up is Australia day at the end of the month and I guess it is similar to 4th of July... we'll see if it feels at all the same?


  1. You made me cry,... I miss you guys,
    Your sis

  2. love it, dear daughter....makes me teary too.
